Blockchain applications beyond cryptocurrency

A decentralized ledger system designed for recording, tracking, and time-stamping authentic transactions across a peer-to-peer network of computers, blockchain technology has fully emerged from its cocoon with Bitcoin and beyond. Blockchain’s extensive capabilities go well beyond cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin being its primary application.
Although cryptocurrency is still the most well-known use for the technology, many of blockchain’s biggest opportunities exist outside of finance. While blockchain can be applied to any form of cryptocurrency, its applications for non-cryptocurrency uses span many industries. Blockchain provides transparency, security, and efficiency in supply chain management, insurance, and even healthcare. It offers a distributed record of transactions that cannot be tampered with and an unprecedented level of trust and certainty for the data it manages. As we look into something other than a cryptocurrency wallet, blockchain technology could fundamentally change things in industries that are diverse in finance, asset management, cultural goods, energy markets, and identity management. We might very well be reaching the end of a world where we either accept someone else’s version of the truth or where arguing who is right is a waste of time.

Blockchain technology overview

Blockchain is a shared, digital ledger on which transactions are recorded across multiple, geographically dispersed computers (also known as ‘nodes’). Each block is basically a batch of pending transactions attached to a time-stamped link to a previous block in a series. Together, they make an immutable, chronological chain of ownership.

The key features of blockchain technology are:

  • Decentralization - Rather than data being held by a single central authority controlling a database, blockchain is run by a distributed network of computers (nodes). This distributed network means control over the data is shared across participants, reducing the risk of single points of failure and vulnerability to manipulation.
  • Immutability - Nothing recorded on the blockchain is ever erased or changed. Each block includes a cryptographic hash of the previous block, creating an immutable chain of records.
  • Transparency - Secure, public distributed ledgers mean all the world’s network members can see every transaction. However, while every sole can see the transaction, it is possible for the identity of the parties to remain pseudonymous, enhancing privacy.

The technology harnesses cryptographic techniques to provide a consensus-based platform on which trust can be established among the participants in a network. Any new transaction is validated by a majority of the many simultaneous validating nodes, and, once validated, the transaction is recorded on the blockchain. Any subsequent modification or manipulation of the blockchain would require the consensus of the majority of those same validating nodes, which is highly unlikely.
Moreover, it also uses public-key cryptography to identify the participants and for communications security. The blockchain nodes use cryptographic key pairs, each made by a public key (used to encrypt and verify) and a private key (used to decrypt and sign). The cryptographic security keeps participant’s actions secure by ensuring that only authorized participants have access to the blockchain and can exchange blockchain transactions.

Non-cryptocurrency applications

The non-cryptocurrency applications of blockchain, however, go far beyond finance. In sectors as diverse as supply chain management and healthcare, blockchain-based technology employs its core features to enhance efficiency, security and trust. These applications draw widespread attention to blockchain’s potential to disrupt conventional processes and foster innovation beyond cryptocurrencies.

Supply chain management

  • Tracking provenance and authenticity - Track goods along the supply chain to give visibility over origin, production history and transport to the consumer.
  • Reducing counterfeiting and fraud - Each transaction is added to an indelible ledger, reducing the possibility of counterfeiting and fraud in the supply chain.
  • Improving transparency and efficiency - Blockchain increases supply chain transparency by making information readily available to stakeholders in real-time, thus building trust and improving collaboration. Meanwhile, smart contracts can automate processes and reduce manual errors.


  • Electronic Health Records (EHR) management -Secure, interoperable management of EHRs to allow access across all healthcare providers while maintaining the security and privacy of the data. Pros – currently, there are various technical interfaces in use that do not interact well with each other, significantly increasing costs.
  • Drug traceability and authenticity - A blockchain provides a pharmaceutical company a digital ledger of all their drugs, from the factory to the patient, making it difficult to forge fake medicine.
  • Ensuring patient data security and privacy - Requiring patients’ consent to access information about them, blockchain encrypts patient data and uses granular access controls that prevent unwanted data sharing and give patients control over their information.

Voting Systems

  • Enhancing transparency and trust in elections -Blockchain-based voting systems achieve this by recording votes on the ledger, such that it can be verified that votes were received and counted as intended. Forensically examining the ledger ensures that votes cannot be changed or deleted once they are cast.
  • Preventing fraud and tampering - Blockchain’s decentralized nature prevents tampering by eliminating single points of failure and preventing voting system intrusion. Since blockchain records data on its digital ledger simultaneously across distributed nodes, the data is irrevocably updated on all nodes. Thus, only authorized users with the proper identification can provide input to update the blockchain.
  • Increasing voter accessibility and participation - Blockchain can enable remote and secure voting, which gives greater accessibility and making the electoral process available to those who are far or bound by their mobility, hence a greater turnout and participation.

Real Estate

  • Property title management -With identities and ownership information stored on a distributed ledger, property title management could be significantly streamlined. Property title systems that have historically relied on registers of paper documents maintained by a single authority will be far less prone to significant loss of records or disputes over their legitimacy.
  • Streamlining transactions and reducing fraud -Smart contracts control the flow of transactions. By automating real estate transactions, smart contracts can accurately check that the terms are met before the exchange of funds or assets, helping to eliminate fraudulent behavior. Moreover, smart contracts streamline the buying and selling process.
  • Enabling fractional ownership and crowdfunding - Real estate, subdividing them among different investors. Blockchain technologies facilitate this and also provide an opportunity to purchase and trade fractional shares of investable real estate assets. Besides this, blockchain-based real estate crowdfunding democratizes real estate investment and makes it accessible to a larger investor base.

Emerging trends and innovations

We are seeing new use cases for blockchain rapidly emerge, with some more conventional and some more futuristic. The integration of blockchain with the Internet of Things (IoT) is one area with a potentially huge impact, with blockchain causing ripples into existing smart systems. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) and developments in identity management are other areas that are moving forward at pace, with interest surging. All of these innovations hold the promise of more security, more efficiency, and more transparency for the individual and organization alike, and the potential to replace more centralized approaches to many processes with decentralized alternatives.

Internet of Things (IoT) Integration

Integration with the Internet of Things (IoT) could also turbocharge blockchain’s value, digitizing every last thing we touch and possibly enhancing its existing security promise. Blockchain, for instance, could secure IoT networks with cryptographic models that guarantee the authenticity and confidentiality of data sent through them. IoT networks could also benefit from blockchain’s decentralized nature, shedding single points of failure and avoiding known vulnerabilities in the IoT security model.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

Decentralized Finance – or DeFi – is a prime example of an application of blockchain technology that promises to transform large swathes of our existing economy. Digitized, decentralized financial products and services can achieve many of the goals of the banking sector without the need for traditional intermediaries. Using intelligent contracts, for instance, people can lend money directly to each other at interest. As a ‘lender’ to the network, people can provide any amount of ‘bits’ that need to be lent, while ‘borrowers’ provide collateral, say, in the form of any crypto coins in their possession and borrow funds from you – all carried out automatically.

Identity Management

These issues are addressed in part by blockchain-based identity management solutions. Self-sovereignty For example, existing self-sovereign identity solutions encourage users to control their own identities instead of being beholden to a centralized identity provider. Individuals can store their identity-related credentials securely on-chain, furnishing credentials selectively and efficiently without revealing their personal details. A KYC process can ensue if both parties are satisfied, which then becomes a one-off activity with ongoing use after the authentication process is complete. As any subsequent party in this loop won’t have to revert to a centralized database to identify identical attributes and information, the process will be more efficient.y.

Challenges and Considerations

Examples of such problems include scalability bottlenecks, regulatory compliance, environmental concerns associated with mining, and interoperability. Finding solutions to these challenges is vital to make blockchain ecosystems more efficient and sustainable. Regulatory hurdles and the desire for interoperability between different platforms are further important issues to consider.

Scalability Issues

Scalability is currently a major bottleneck for blockchain, caused in large part by scaling the network’s size and transaction load. Blockchain’s transaction-centric consensus mechanism introduces one significant bottleneck: while each node in the blockchain network does process and validate each transaction individually, as transaction each and every transaction since all transactions in the block are made permanent. Scaling and reaching mass growth to a point where legitimate transaction time might become measured in hours or days due to transaction load if no improvements are designed. As a result, inherent design solutions such as sharding, layer two solutions, and consensus algorithm optimizations promote scalability and transaction throughput.

Regulatory Concerns and Compliance

Meaningful regulatory and operational issues, such as keeping up with constantly evolving regulations and compliance requirements, present significant challenges that blockchain technology needs to address. Blockchain technology has applications across multiple industries, and meeting diverse regulatory requirements while maintaining legal compliance will be one crucial aspect of blockchain mainstream adoption in the years to come. For example, protecting personal and corporate data privacy, customer/client protections, and ensuring compliance with AML compliance regulations all raise immediate concerns for blockchain projects and will require close collaboration with the relevant regulatory bodies and law stations to ensure the appropriate development of regulatory frameworks that balance innovation objectives and fostering a relevant blockchain environment while minimizing legal risk.

Environmental Impact of Blockchain Mining

The amount of energy used by blockchain mining operations, especially those with proof-of-work (PoW) blockchain consensus mechanisms, has called into question the environmental sustainability of cryptocurrencies and the carbon footprints of mining cryptocurrencies. Mining cryptocurrencies takes a massive computing power that takes up electricity, thus leading to increased carbon emissions and environmental damages. Sustainability is one of the pressing topics in environmentalism. Due to the high energy consumption of mining, many blockchain projects are exploring new consensus mechanisms, such as proof-of-stake (PoS) and low-energy consumption consensus algorithms, to reduce the environmental damage to the earth by reducing the amount of energy used in blockchain operations.

Interoperability and Standardization

Other major challenges preventing blockchain from fully realizing its decentralized potential are interoperability and standardization, which are also crucial challenges facing blockchain technology. In fact, the absence of common standards and lack of interoperability between blockchain platforms and blockchain applications prevents blockchain networks from seamlessly interacting and sharing information. The complexity of integrating blockchain into our existing internet infrastructure due to fragmentation in the blockchain ecosystem is another obstacle to adoption. Developing common standards, protocols, and cross-chain interoperability solutions appears to be the need of the hour so that blockchain networks from different ecosystems can interact in a seamless way with a view to harness its potential for unlocking valuable opportunities.


We considered some of the many non-cryptocurrency blockchain applications, and how this new technology can resolve significant challenges in managing supply chains, improving healthcare and voting systems, and spur innovation in next-generation cybersecurity. We observed the compelling risk and reward tradeoffs that blockchain offers in identifying and preventing counterfeiting. We also discussed the competitive intellectual advantage it brings to enterprises. The journey is not over yet. As we leave this topic, we will reaffirm our entourage’s commitment to venturing together to discover new blockchain applications and innovations that will continue to have a widespread and socially positive impact.